Searching Short Run Press

Your search for 'Short Run Press' returned the following items...

Item Type Date
40 Years of Space Invaders Article  Unknown 
A Parent's Guide to Gaming Info Page  7 Apr 2020 
A Research Center for Augmenting Human Intellect Article  9 Dec 1968 
Acorn A4000 Computer  Sep 1992 
Alfred Robot Arm Peripheral  1985 
Alfred the Robot Arm Peripheral  1984 
Apple Computer Inc. Company  1 Apr 1976 
IBM ThinkPad 701CS Computer  1995 
John Aeberhard: Reminiscences around LEO Article  Unknown 
Library's Computer Program - Press Article Article  17 Apr 1986 
Memories - A Personal History of a Cambridge Concern Article  Unknown 
Memories - BCL SUSIE MARK 2 Article  27 Jul 2010 
Memories - Computers in the Dark Ages (Apricot Computers) Article  Unknown 
Memories - Me and My Toys Article  Jun 2009 
Memories - Operating the Cadbury Orion computer in the mid-1960s Article  Jul 2017 
Memories - UK101 and using Computers in the RAF Article  Unknown 
Retro Computer Festival 2024 - Saturday 9th November Event Ticket  9 Nov 2024 
Retro Computer Festival 2024 - Sunday 10th November Event Ticket  10 Nov 2024 
Sony CLIÉ PEG-SJ33/E Computer  2003 
Sony CLIÉ PEG-TJ27 Computer  2003 
The CP/M Software Library Book  1986 
Timex Sinclair 1000 Computer  1982 
Ultimate Play The Game Company  Unknown 
Vortex Software Company  Unknown 
Wendy Forward: Memoir by her daughter Anna C Page Article  2021 
Zzap! - No.24 April 1987 Magazine  Apr 1987 
LEO Catalogue Update: 27th November 2020 Blog Post  27 Nov 2020 
LEO Catalogue Update: 22nd June 2021 Blog Post  22 Jun 2021 

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